Steupid, Steupid Artwerk
Like to look at drawings? How about paintings? Look at these!
(Almost as good as what junior brings home from pre-shool)
The Mind's Eye (Spiral On) - April 23rd-May 15th 2002
A fiery river (incomplete)
Some little people walking out of an abyss (incomplete)
Yes, this is an obvious reference, to TOOL "Lateralus", with the eye coming right from said album (blue pen on stock paper)
This one still has a long way to go, but it's basically a fiery river in a cavern (acrylic on canvas)
I like the idea I had for this one, but the painting itself isn't great. Some mysterious figures coming from a black hole, following a coffin (acrylic on canvas)
An Impressionist Lagoon (Class Project)
A Cubist Self-Portrait (Class Project)
A Gloomy Forest Scene, Replete with Mist (incomplete)
Basically, a class project to introduce impressionism (oil on canvas board)
I'm told that this painting actually resembles me. Must be the red eyes. (oil on canvas board)
Three robed figures in the corner, surrounded by a foggy forest. My pathetic attempt at a fantasy painting. (acrylic on canvas board)
A beautiful buxom matriarch
I'm going to do a larger version of this in charcoal, eventually. (graphite on drawing paper)