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Poetry In Lotion Page 2

This page will probably make me seem obsessed with food, but, what the hell!
A Big Bite of Life
Actions are the main dishes
in the feast of life.
Words are garnishes
and spice.

Remember that when you meet
someone who speaks burnt toast.
Because one day
he may be the one
who picks you up off
the freeway food processor
where your car overcooked
and you simmer in search of
a morsel of help, a crumb of caring.
When he is the one
who gets you boling again
back on the home-range
that guy's a well-balanced meal.

Remember that when you meet
a cake walking
frosting talking
maraschino cherry man.
He tells you what a hot dish
what a tough cookie
what cool ice cream you are.
But when you get caught in the blender
and he won't get mixed up with you,
you'll realize
even though he speaks of pretty pleases with sugar on top
he only does old vinegar-drenched, rotten jalapeño rinds.

Isn't That Typical?
I just spilled some Rice-A-Roni©
On the kitchen floor
It happens every time I cook
A little food spilled,
A little left on the dishes
If I could save
All the Rice-A-Roni© that I waste
How much would I have?
Enough for another meal? Maybe two?
If everybody saved all their kitchen casualties
Could we give Somalia
A Rice-A-Roni© feast
With potato salad, beef brisket
And a dozen varieties of sandwich?
Damn, that was a lot of Rice-A-Roni©
I just spilled.

Sit on the table
I relax, cool off
Enjoy your meal
Loving, expecting eyes
How you must love me!
Talk politely
For awhile
Then, in a moment,
Time for Cake!
It's my moment!
What joy! What elation!
What is that knife for?
Wh-What are you doing?
Cut me?! NO!
Soft skin, moist flesh
I am divided! Horror!
Pain! The End?
Not yet, but...
Pitchforks! Deceptive devils
I believed you!
Thought you liked me...
Now you bring me
To your lying, hungry mouth!

Poems Copywrite © 2002 Empire of the Dark Jade